The Scariest Month of the Year

It is no secret that I am a little bit obsessed with Halloween.  I love everything – the movies, the haunted houses, and of course, being scared.  This October was particularly awesome.

It started off with a trip to Sleepy Hollow, located in Tarrytown.  A group us went for the day – the town itself is quite cool, and as it gets darker, it definitely gets spookier.  We watched the sun set over the Hudson and walked through the Sleepy Hollow Graveyard.  We went for dinner and drinks at the local pub (The Huddle).  Though the service was quite terrible that night, I enjoyed a couple hard ciders and a great burger.  We then headed to the Phillipsburg Manor for their haunted house/walk – and it was great!  The property is huge, so we had seen sneak peeks of what was to come while walking through town.  Our group of 7 walked through together with many monsters and ghouls scaring us along the way.  We also were lucky to have my boyfriend on the tour who added extra scares for all of us.  The entire tour was about 45 minutes long and I would certainly go again.

Next was Fright Fest at Six Flags.  The roller coasters added fun thrills throughout the day (my first time on the Kingda Ka…WOW!), and at night the monsters came out.  Some were quite scary – a man walking through the crowd with a chainsaw, another dragging a shovel and of course, many clowns.  While we didn’t have enough time to go through the Haunted House (the wait was 2+ hours) it was a great day.

Next up on the Halloween favorites was the Haunted Hayride in Guilford, Vermont.  My boyfriend and I went on a cold Saturday night and were pleasantly surprised with how well-done it was.  After staying warm with hot chocolate by a huge bonfire, we boarded the hayride and were guided through a cornfield and woods filled with some classics (children of the corn, Freddy, Jason) and some typical scares, like chainsaw killers.  I screamed quite a bit, especially when the characters jumped up onto the wagon.  While in New England, we also carved pumpkins, watched The Shining and did a corn maze – all to round out the fun that this month provides.

This past Monday was the last scary activity (pre-Halloween).  My boyfriend brought me to Nightmare Killers 2 – a haunted house on the Lower East side.  When you get inside, you will be indulged by a very creepy “dead” lady performing in the corner while reading about all of the serial killers you will soon see.  As you get closer to the front, you make a decision: are you willing to be touched or no.  We both said yes, so with red “X’s” painted on our foreheads, we entered.  I won’t share too many details (you’ll have to see for yourself) but it was definitely scary!  Lots of creepy characters and even some moments where you might get taken off by yourself (this happened to me).

Now, it is only October 30th after all.  Tomorrow is my favorite day –Halloween!  I’ll be at the village parade for its 40th anniversary.  On Friday we’ll have another Halloween party, to keep the festivities going for one more day.  Of course I’ll be eating plenty of candy.  However…I do not yet know what I’m going to be!  I always decide last minute, so I will make the most of these last few decision making hours.  And if you have any recommendations, please send them my way.

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